Aquarius (Jan20-Feb18)
Purple: Blanche La Noir Blue: Martin A. Day
Welcome back, my friends, to our astrological appointment!
Today we’ll discuss the Waterbearer of the Zodiac: the Aquarius.
Now, the people of the Aquarius are free spirits, honest and
caring, if a little shy, and maybe overly tense at times. They’re
good friends, and even better lovers, ready to improvise and equally ready to plan ahead.
Sounds good as of now, Blanche… Where’s the catch?
Er, the catch is in the “overly tense” bit, Martin. Do a slight to an
Aquarius and get ready for a tantrum of epic proportions…
Plus, they’re a bit vain, and like to be complimented.
Who doesn’t?
Heh, right. Now, to the interesting bit: how to seduce an Aquarius.
Just lie in it, same as Betty…Sorry, couldn’t resist.
No problem. Anyway, let’s start with the boys: to seduce an Aquarius
male, just remember his sensitivity… Do not suffocate him, let him
have his space and his friends, and he’ll be sure to answer in kind:
Aquarius boys love the good things in life, and aren’t afraid to share them.
Good boys, good time. Definitely keepers.
Agreed. But let’s move to the girls: Aquarius females are even more
of a free spirit than males; they put culture, fun and travel on top of their priorities,
but care deeply for people too. The ideal mate for an Aquarius girl must be brilliant,
tolerant and educated…
Difficult set to have, but worthy to work on.
Most definitely, my beaky friend. Boys, Aquarius girls are wonderful
to have around, but they love to go places. Don’t hold them back,
and they will hold on to you.Well, that’s it for the Aquarius…
Now we better wake up Betty before tonight’s dinner is mouse soup!
Day of the week: Saturday |
Birthstones: Amber, Onyx, Zircon |
Colours: Green, Black, Azure |
Flowers: Azalea, Hydrangea,Poppy |
Metals: Lead |
Essences: Lily of the valley, Carnation |
BonBon Character: Mary Blue!
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